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Friday, April 12, 2013

the continuing struggles of a suppressed dj

dj dj dj.  still wanna do it, go through with it, but where will i spin?  who will dance to my tunes? moreover, what will catch-a-fire?  i know there are many who have wondered what life would be like if they chose to do the thing that is taboo, that thing they always talk about in moral sitcoms where the person lives out their dream which alienates their people because they met this person when they gave up the taboo dream and began life as they knew it.  but one can only keep a caged tiger tamed for so long.  it has to come out somehow, and then risk being beaten back into safe submission by friends and family who are afraid of the taboo.  they don't want the taboo...they want safe little old you.  meaning well and doing it out of love, sure... but why can't we and our loved ones love all aspects of our creative selves?

by the end of that moralistic sitcom, the rogue is back in her safe little slacks and blouse with her briefcase and weejuns floating off to the corporate job of creative mundane-ness.  meanwhile the taboo's death knell sounds.

i feel bad about it.  i remember dancing at the old "does your mama know" back in the day and seeing some "senior dancers" moving through the crowd, drink in hand.  i felt offended at their presence.  "go back to the piano bar" i thought, asking why someone their age would have the gall, the unmitigated audacity to dare be in the presence of the fabulous young!!  now, i ain't a senior yet, but it's sittin' on the porch filing its nails waiting for me to join it!  if i walked into a place like that now, with half naked chicks writhing to the beats created by my generation, would they give me that get outta here jeer?  you bet they would.  if i created a club for people like me would they come?  only if it went no later than midnight, unless tomorrow's a vacation day or holiday.  if not, no dice.  gotta get up and weed the garden in the morning, you know.

maybe it should be a little hobby like cooking or needlepoint?  oh...what are your hobbies, ms, coco?  who, me?  after i write all of my court reports and send them in, i comb out my mohawk and go dj someplace.

hmmm... nice.

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